Everyone likes saving money on their holiday, right? Wrong. If discount codes and offers are the only tools in your lead conversion arsenal, it’s time to expand your strategy. Savings VS Spontaneity Yes, people like to save on flights, hotels and packages when they can. But when it comes to saving money on a holiday […]
Is the printed catalogue dead? How you can use your catalogue to drive sales, increase customers & maximise conversions
Some say print marketing is a thing of the past There are still high-flying marketers and executives who scoff at the notion of using print for marketing. Bring up producing a catalogue to them and they’ll laugh you out of the room. And they would feel comfortably justified, considering that the average Briton spends £2000 […]
What is Lead Attribution and How can it Help Your Lead Generation?
Single touch-point purchases are a dying breed Whether a consumer, a marketer or both, we rarely interact with a brand just once before making a purchasing decision. Independent research and cross-channel engagement are now a natural part of the consumer evaluation process. So if multi-touch conversion journeys are the next stage in consumer evolution, what’s […]
QMS OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Accreditation
Health & Safety Where we Work It’s not the catchiest name but the QMS OHSAS 18001 accreditation is awarded to businesses who guarantee their workers’ safety. Without getting too soppy, we value our employees. Because without their work, there would be no business. And this ethos translates to our clients too. Our fulfilment department handles […]
Affiliate & Lead Generation ROI increases 6% to £15 per £1 spent
How much can Lead Generation generate for your business – 2014 ROI statistics Recent research from the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau UK) highlights the dramatic ROI potential of effective Lead Generation. Advertisers spent £1.1 billion on Online Performance Marketing (OPM) in 2014 – a rise of 8% on the previous year – and attributed consumer […]
How to Write a Welcome Email – 5 Key Content Tips
The art of the Welcome Email The welcome email is the most important email you will ever send to your prospects. This initial contact is where you set the tone of your B2C relationship. The content you include will be the difference between establishing future customers and wasting both of your time. Aside from obvious […]
Increasing your bookings through effective brand2consumer interaction
If you’re leaving your bookings up to chance, Facebook, PPC or last-minute customer spontaneity, you probably want to bookmark this page. Forget the weather, forget the price, here’s how to sell any holiday. Google research in early 2015 has established that it there are 7-12 touch points (or brand interactions) between a consumer showing an interest […]
6 Key Ways to Write Life-Changing Subject Lines for Your Marketing Emails
The art of the subject line is a cruel, ever-changing and immeasurably-frustrating mistress. The ideal marketing subject line is attention-grabbing, engaging, informative, concise, clear and most importantly HUGELY SUBJECTIVE (pun intended). YOU WILL NEVER WRITE THE PERFECT SUBJECT LINE But you can still write the best subject line to appear in your customer’s inbox. You […]
How to add a Third Party Tracking Pixel to your Google TAG Manager
Information is power. Especially for business. If you can track the conversion rates of your media channels and online partners, then you can separate those that work and cut away those that don’t. An effective way to keep on top of your conversion rates and third party tracking is to add a simple Tracking Pixel […]
How to Push Leads along your Sales Funnel – 10 Top Lead Nurturing tips
It’s generally accepted that 90% of your leads won’t convert on their own – at least not immediately. Free content and independent resources mean that most consumers will happily reach their own conclusions regarding your product – stripping away much of your ability to define or control the purchasing journey. But no matter who you […]